Channels 102: Communication object lifecycle

Before we dive into implementing our Channels, it’s important to first understand the lifecycle of communication objects in Indigo. These include our Channel Layer objects (IChannel, IChannelFactory, and IListenerFactory), as well as Typed Layer objects (ServiceHost, ServiceSite, EndpointListener).

All such objects derive from ICommunicationObject, and have a common state machine.

There are 5 states represented by the CommunicationState enum:

  • Created — This is the state of an ICommunicationObject when it is first instantiated. The object may be configured in this state (e.g. properties can be modified, events registered, etc). No I/O occurs in this state.
  • Opening — Objects transition to this state when ICommunicationObject.Open() is called. At this point properties are made immutable, and I/O may begin. This transition is only valid from the Created state.
  • Opened — Objects transition to this state when the open process completes. This transition is only valid from the Opening state. At this point the object is fully usable for transfer.
  • Closing — Objects transition to this state when ICommunicationObject.Close() is called for a graceful shutdown. This transition is only valid from the Opened state.
  • Closed — In the Closed state objects are no longer usable. In general, most configuration is still accessible for inspection purposes, but no communication can occur. This state is equivalent to being disposed.

There are events that fire for each state transition. ICommunicationObject also has an Abort() method that can be called at any time. This will cause the object to transition immediately from its current state into the Closed state. Abort() indicates that any unfinished work will be rudely terminated (Exceptions are likely in this case).

With this background knowledge in place, we can now go into detail about writing our factories.

One thought on “Channels 102: Communication object lifecycle

  1. Pingback: Channels 102b: Close vs. Abort (vs. Dispose) «

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