Monthly Archives: April 2006

Jalisco (Seattle, WA)


One of the things I love about my area of Capitol Hill is that I am walking distance from a variety of restaurants. Almost everytime LL and I walk to Jamjuree or 22 Doors or QFC we pass Jalisco’s, mention that we should check it out, but then continue on. Tonight we decided that after almost 3 years in this neck of the woods it was time to sample the neighborhood Mexican fare.

The food was very disappointing. This is not Mexican food. It’s a step up from Taco Bell (though without the ghetto pleasure there), and not even at the Taco Del Mar level. The cheddar on the enchiladas had almost an american cheese consistency, the sauces had no spice and minimal flavor, and the tortillas were maybe on par with what you buy at QFC: definitely not freshly made. Next time we’re hankering for nearby Mexican we’ll walk down to Galerias or Guaymas, or hop in the car to Gordito’s 🙂

Jalisco Mexican Restaurant
1467 E Republican St
Seattle, WA 98112

Sun-Th: 11:00AM-10:00PM, Fri-Sat: 11:00AM-11:00PM (Lunch and Dinner)

Configuration Http Proxies in WCF

When using Http, proxy configuration madness is a fact of life. If misconfigured, you can wind up trying to decipher obtuse 502 (Bad Gateway) and 504 (Gateway Timeout) errors.

Fortunately there are a number of binding settings available in WCF to control your Http proxy usage. These settings are available directly on BasicHttpBinding and WsHttpBinding (as well as on HttpTransportBindingElement when you are using a CustomBinding).

  • public bool UseDefaultWebProxy (default == true): if set to true, will use the global value HttpWebRequest.DefaultProxy as your proxy. HttpWebRequest.DefaultProxy is controllable through System.Net config, and defaults to using the system proxy settings (i.e. when you see in your Internet Explorer properties).
  • public Uri ProxyAddress (default == null): If you want to specify a proxy directly you can set a proxy Uri directly here. To ensure no proxy is used you can specify “null” here. In both cases be sure to set UseDefaultWebProxy = false as well.
  • public bool BypassProxyOnLocal (default == false): used in conjunction with ProxyAddress for when you specify a proxy. If you want “local” addresses (i.e. addresses on your intranet) to connect directly without using the proxy, set this value to true.
  • public HttpProxyCredentialType HttpTransportSecurity.ProxyCredentialType (default == None): Specifies the authentication mode used with your Http proxy. For custom bindings the equivalent setting is public AuthenticationSchemes ProxyAuthenticationScheme (default == Anonymous) on HttpTransportBindingElement. For proxy authentication we will obtain the credential using the shared WCF provisioning framework (SecurityTokenProvider, etc). We simply pass in the proxy address (rather than the target address) for acquiring these credentials.

One last note about proxies: if you see a 502 or a 504 error returned to your client, then your client is using a proxy server. If this was not your intention, you can disable the server by setting UseDefaultWebProxy to false, and using the default ProxyAddress of null. The other possibility is that your proxy is misconfigured and you can use the above settings to rectify that situation 🙂

Channel Authors unite!

Hot off the presses is a new resource for channel authors: the WCF Custom Channel Resources page at This is a great portal for samples, documentation, and all things Channel-related.

The samples page contains updated versions of our PDC demos (WSE 3.0 TCP Interop and Chunking Channel) as well as new helpers for testing and generating config for your channels. Check it out!

UPDATE (06/21/06, 3:50P): updated links to point to our new community website