Exposing Capabilities on your Binding

Bindings represent a wide variety of functionality. Everything from different transports, to different security mechanisms, delivery mechanisms, transactions, and custom protocols. Nonetheless, there are times where you want to make a decision based on a binding’s capabilities.

For example: “Does this binding support ordered delivery?”
Or: “Does this binding support both client and server authentication?”

WCF has a polymorphic way of making such inquiries of a Binding, though there are a few subtleties involved.

The first pivot point is to decide whether the capability is a property of the actual Binding, or a property exposed by the stack of Binding Elements. For example, supporting client authentication is a property of the underlying stack. It can be added at different layers (e.g. transport, WS-Security, etc), and can even be removed by some layers. These capabilities are accessed though a method on the Binding:

T GetProperty<T>()

As in:

ISecurityCapabilities s = binding.GetProperty<ISecurityCapabilities>();

GetProperty<T> simply constructs a Binding Context representing the stack of Binding Elements, and queries them through:

T GetProperty<T>(BindingContext context)

Each individual Binding Element can handle the inquiry itself, delegate the inquiry, or a combination of the two. GetProperty is also supported by the runtime objects (IChannelFactory, IChannelListener, IChannel, etc).

Conversely, if a Binding claims to support Basic Profile 1.0, that is a claim about a particular coordination and configuration of binding elements. Therefore, this is not a feature to expose through T GetProperty<T>(). The Binding should instead implement the capability directly. For example:

public class MyBasicProfileBinding : IBasicProfile10Binding

Where IBasicProfile10Binding is an agreed upon interface. It is queried as “if (binding is IBasicProfile10Binding)

Lastly, there are a handful of cases where a particular property is applicable to all bindings. In that case, we use the traditional approach of a strongly typed property on our base class. For example:

public abstract string Scheme { get; }

To re-cap: for polymorphic properties, use GetProperty<T>. For capabilities of the binding element stack, and interface implementation for composite capabilities provided by the concrete binding.

One thought on “Exposing Capabilities on your Binding

  1. Tobias Manthey

    How can I browse the Properties that are exposed through GetProperty by a binding, Channelfactory? So far the only thing I can do try and error. The only chance I ever got a non-null value was with

    var obj = endpoint.Binding.GetProperty(new BindingParameterCollection());


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